David Mainse’s royal pain

The religious right’s time machine, once calibrated to take us back to the golden age of the 1950s, has apparently been reset for several decades earlier — to sometime before the 1931 Statute of Westminster foolishly granted legislative autonomy to our...

Critique Ralph Klein, in 10 words or less

Greg nails it at Sinister Thoughts: the public system will be like a dragonfly in amber Gorgeous. So the challenge is: who can express the problem with Ralph Klein’s health care approach even more pithily and at least as elegantly?

Livingstone on the terrorist attacks

I don’t often reproduce speeches in their entirety, but Ken Livingstone’s statement today is extraordinary, stirring and well worth reading. This was a cowardly attack, which has resulted in injury and loss of life. Our thoughts are with everyone who has...

James Hrynyshyn’s Island of Doubt

My one-time Charlatan compadre James Hrynyshyn has headed south of the border, but thanks to the miracle of the Internets, I can still find out what’s going on in that fertile mind of his at Island of Doubt. Given that he told me about peak oil two years ago, I...

Invest socially, compete globally

By way of Jim Elve, this little tidbit from the folks at Harpers.org: Toyota announced that it would open a new $800 million plant in Ontario. The company turned down hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies in the United States because, when compared to...