Talking back to Telus

Continuing the saga of the blocked web sites, Telus wrote to Derek Miller, and he has in turn replied, asking four superb and pointed questions: Can you tell me: (a) Whether you have contacted the website operator to see if the material you object to can be removed,...

(Focus) tested in battle

BBC News: New name for ‘war on terror’ Confidential focus group report To: Karl Rove Re.: Rebranding exercise Note to Karl: This thing actually is confidential, okay? It’s not like the identity of a CIA operative; this is serious business here. Focus...

The next Governor General

All this speculation about the identity of the next GG — “It’s Bob Rae!” “It’s Michael Ignatieff!” “It’s the Bluenose II!” — is missing the key question the PM is asking himself: How do you get a...

The Telus firewall

While Telus cries foul over cable-cutting in its labour dispute, the company has been snipping a few virtual wires of its own. …Specifically, the connections leading to at least two web sites critical of the company. If you want to check out their perspective,...

Keeping a civil tongue

Here’s a cool idea: a site called How’d They Vote, dedicated to telling you how your MP has voted, how often she or he speaks in the House… and, most fascinating of all, how nasty they are in debate. HTV has waded 3 per cent of the way through...