If you’ve come to this page, chances are good that you attended my session at the Ragan Speechwriter’s Conference on February 10, 2006 in Washington, DC. And you’re probably looking for the notes from my presentation.

Well, you can download them right here (in PDF format).
By the way, if you found the presentation helpful, I hope you’ll consider signing up for my free e-mail newsletter on speechwriting, SpeechList. Every issue is jam-packed with practical tips and ideas for speechwriters — whether you’re a complete newcomer or someone who’s no stranger to the podium. (Today’s talk actually started out as a SpeechList article.)

Finally, feel free to e-mail me with your comments, thoughts, questions or ideas. I’m rob at socialsignal dot com.

It was great meeting everyone, talking with you all and sharing experiences. I hope to see you again soon!
