Warren Kinsella has the Press Gallery’s number:

You know, how the MSM [I think that’s “mainstream media” – rob] is always bleating that Members of Parliament are too cautious, too careful, too boring. Blah blah blah. The moment that An Eminent Person succumbs to the media’s entreaties to be colourful and candid… the MSM (and one blogger you know!) kick the living snot out of them.

He goes on to suggest that politicians shouldn’t have blogs, because blogs only work if they’re, well, colourful and candid. There certainly are plenty of examples of failed political bloggers who were neither – Warren’s frequent punching bag, our current Prime Minister, is a case in point.

If a politician’s blog is ever going to succeed, it can’t provide fodder for opposition researchers – and that, sadly, means relentless focus on message. But does that have to mean boring and bland? Couldn’t, say, some personal observations about the week’s events have a little edge to them, without coming back to gnaw on one’s posterior come campaign time?

I live in hope…
