If you live within the reach of Seattle media, you got to witness a genuinely venemous Republican campaign: Dino Rossi’s race for the governorship against Democrat Christine Gregoire. (Gregoire currently has a slender lead in the vote count, and her people say the remaining precincts lean Democratic.)

Exactly how KIRO TV’s news team could call Rossi “sunny” after the slew of attack ads his campaign unleashed escapes me.

But there was worse. Dave Reichert, a GOP House candidate, ran ads against his Democratic opponent, Dave Ross, suggesting that Ross pretty much wanted to air-mail every American child to Osama Bin Laden’s giant desert Moulinex. They ended with an image of the Space Needle amidst a frozen desolate landscape, and the words “Dave Ross’s America. We’ll have to eat the sick in order to maintain even a semblance of survival.” Or something to that effect.

It’s not like the Democrats didn’t run negative ads, or slant the facts to their favour. But Jesus – the Reichert ads made Ross look like a cross between Charles Manson and Sweeney Todd.

So – were any races worse?
