Ep. 72 Dana Rubin is Speaking While Female

Ep. 72 Dana Rubin is Speaking While Female

Pick up a collection of speeches or quotations from history, and chances are most of those voices belong to men. But it turns out the oratory of the past was a lot more female than many of its curators would have us think. One woman in particular, Dana Rubin, is working to change our understanding of public speaking history — and the role women have played in shaping it. And she’s my guest on this episode.

Resolution: quote more women

Resolution: quote more women

So often, when I’m reaching for a stirring quotation, I wind up with something a man said. (Or, in the case of Gandhi, didn’t say.) You may find the same thing. If so, and you’d like to redress that imbalance a little, bookmark The Eloquent Woman Index of Famous Women’s Speeches. It’s a collection of speeches … Keep reading 

Female, funny and fearless? Apply within.

The LaffRiotGirls are looking for Vancouver’s funniest new female comic: Think you have what it takes to be a stand up comedian? E-mail laffriotgirls (at) shaw (dot) ca to sign up for our Fourth Annual Comedy Competition. This year’s competition will take...