Cloudy water has a silver lining

(cross-posted to Despite the inconvenience to most and some real problems for some (the elderly, for instance, and the many restaurants and shops that rely on clean fresh water to stay, um, afloat), Vancouver’s boil-water situation...

18 hours a week. Heh.

When the British government put out the call for a new speechwriter to manage the troubled health dossier, they offered a salary ranging from about £38,000 to £56,543. That in turn provoked gasps of outrage throughout the British media and blogosphere (any...

Risk communication 101

Want a crash course in the basics of risk communication? The Pan American Health Organization (a.k.a. the Americas branch of the World Health Organization) has an online course available, free of charge. Check it out.

Critique Ralph Klein, in 10 words or less

Greg nails it at Sinister Thoughts: the public system will be like a dragonfly in amber Gorgeous. So the challenge is: who can express the problem with Ralph Klein’s health care approach even more pithily and at least as elegantly?