Following the money

Rick Barnes backs a call from the Conservation Voters of BC to ban corporate and union contributions. And he mentions something that gets very little notice in the media, but which desperately needs repeating: the Liberals “received 74% of their funds from...

The Golden Decade begins

Pay a quick visit to the BC Liberals’ web site right now, and here’s what you’ll see. I know, I know – it’s cheap to laugh at the web misfortunes of others. But weren’t these the same guys who were going to bring competence back to...

Land’s sakes

Gazetteer notes that Greater Vancouver’s two public universities are leveraging their huge land endowments to raise funds… in ways that may make some of that land a lot harder for you and me to ever walk on: [B]oth public institutions were granted large...

How could this happen?

It seems strange, in a week that has brought so much bloodshed to the people of Iraq, to find the death of a single European and the injury of three others so poignant. And yet I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with horror and anger at the sickening turn that...

Bovine Missile Defence

Oh, for the days when U.S. diplomatic intrigue meant drugs-for-arms-for-hostages. Today, apparently, it’s all logs-for-cows-for-Star Wars. It’s all linked, says Frank McKenna. Canada rejected participation in missile defence as a cunning strategy to press...