Mark Waid sparked a controversy at this year’s Harvey Awards (celebrating excellence in the comic book industry) that was as much over a misunderstanding of what he said as it was over his central argument: that “filesharing is not a problem… it’s an opportunity.”

At a time when cartoonists of all stripes are scrambling to make a stable, reliable living, this is an important contribution to the discussion – especially in answering the fears that underlie so much of it.

I especially like this:

But moral outrage is often how we deal with fear. It’s a false sense of empowerment in the face of fear. And I’m here to tell you, that if at core you’re reacting not out of moral outrage but out of fear of the internet and the whole way publishing seems to be headed–that’s good news. Because that’s something we can fix.

Posted via email from Rob Cottingham’s posterous
