If you’ve sat through far more than your share of bum-numbing presentations, your mind addled by a droning speaker reading from an endless procession of text-heavy PowerPoint slides leavened only by baffling charts and meaningless graphs…

…then you’ll be glad to see the Vancouver High-Tech Communicators’ Exchange has those speakers square in its sights. On the evening of Monday, April 7th, they’ll hold a workshop on giving a decent presentation and engaging your audience.

Here’s the poop:

April 7, 2008
6:00pm – 6:30 pm registration and networking
6:30 pm – Presentation
YWCA Hotel
733 Beatty Street – near BC Place
RSVP to rsvp@htce.org
Cost is $15.00/person with RSVP/$20.00 at door.
No shows will be subject to charge.

We have all been victims of “Death by PowerPoint”. Every day, more than 30 million PowerPoint presentations are delivered. The majority of these presentations are not as effective as they could be. The Effective Presentations Session will show you how to create and deliver effective presentations to ensure that the audience understands and remembers your key messages. Using results from independent research, this session shows how audiences react to various presentation techniques and which presentation techniques increase and which techniques decrease how audiences remember and understand the key messages in a presentation.


Marian Lewandowski has been building companies from ideas to product development to growth in the software industry for over 30 years. His current passion is showing speakers and presenters how to create and deliver effective presentations. Read what some attendees to Marian’s Effective Presentation Sessions have to say at the Testimonials section of his web site,

For more details on this presentation and our speaker visit www.htce.org
