I’ve just updated my app of choice for OS X browser screenshots, Paparazzi!… and what a change. Three new features jumped out at me right away:

  • It lets you set a delay – very useful if you need to give a site’s slower elements time to load.
  • It lets you set default cropping dimensions, so you aren’t saving a mile-long blog page when all you want is the top screen.
  • It imports bookmarks from Safari and Camino, so you can grab them easily with no cutting and pasting required.

Developer Nate Weaver still has a work in progress on his hands – choosing “Help” brings up a dialog box saying “Help isn’t available for Paparazzi!.” But it’s on its way, according to Weaver’s blog. (He’s also a Camino developer, so you know you’re getting quality work here.) So are batch operations with multiple resolutions, and a complete AppleScript dictionary, although it already has a respectable bunch of scriptable functions already.

(Lazyweb request: here’s an easy ticket to fame and utter lack of fortune for some AppleScript guru out there. Bang out a script that cycles through the URLs of all the open tabs in Firefox, and uses Paparazzi! to save screenshots in the folder of your choice.)

I’ve sung Paparazzi!’s praises before, but I’m amping up the volume – this is one terrific app. If you’re a web designer… a presenter on online topics… or anyone else who needs to take frequent screenshots in Mac OS X, you need to go download this now. (And then maybe donate to Neil’s Nate’s encourage-me-to-write-more-great-stuff fund.)
