During all this Telus stuff, he seemed to be so calm, so level-headed, so sensible… But Derek has gone irretrievably to the dark side with his endorsement of the serial comma:

Unless you have a specific reason for a particular, single usage in an individual place in a document‚Äîone which you can justify logically in writing to picky editors like me‚Äîuse the serial comma (“pens, pencils, and erasers” rather than “pens, pencils and erasers”)

My God: Derek’s a serial-comma-ist. It’s like having a great conversation with the passenger next to you on a transcontinental flight… and then having him casually drop a reference to how much he’s looking forward to being married in a football stadium by the Reverend Moon along with 500 other lucky couples next weekend.

You can take my CP Stylebook when you pry it from my cold, dead hands, amigo.
