So a mere two days after I write this – “CBC Radio is wonderfully, fantastically open to freelancers” – Tod Maffin announces this:

CBC Radio, Canada’s public broadcaster, is developing a weekly on-air program about the blogosphere and podcast community, using the voices of audio bloggers and podcasters.

See? I’m not crazy. I’m not.

If the pilot goes ahead, it’ll be one of the most exciting ventures in listener-programming, well, ever. And a helluva freelance opportunity.

Still, how to sell it to audio bloggers? I’m thinking the pitch should go like this:

“Hey, you like the cutting edge, right? Well, we’ve got this wireless network — uh, yes, sort of like WiFi but in a lower frequency range, and near-total ubiquity. You can access it from your car, on a bus, pretty much anywhere in the country — with an installed base of literally millions. And get this: it’s 100-per-cent comment-spam-proof. Are you in?”
