Party politics and campaigning have yet to make it into the world of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority, which is good and bad.

Good, in the sense that we won’t be flooded with ads like…

Ominous music

Announcer: Marcus Vendorbehry wants you to trust him with Canada’s domain names. But his own web site isn’t even written in valid XHTML. According to the people who served with him on the GrudgeWatch open source project, his code is “sloppy” and he “doesn’t deserve half the credit he gets in the readme.txt file.” And twelve years ago, he wrote a Usenet post that called Linus Torvalds a “goof”. Trust Marcus Vendorbehry? We don’t think so.

Bad, in the sense that — absent things like party platforms — I really have no idea what any of these folks stand for. Would they work toward a dispute resolution process that put individuals on a level playing field with organizations? Put domain name registration in a lockbox? Be the wire brush that scrubs domain name registration clean? Are they planning to sell our top-level domain to Tuvalu in return for a lifetime supply of copra?

Anyone with answers to these questions — or more to the point, the candidates themselves — are more than welcome to help themselves to our vast supply of comment space.
