I’m still reeling from this morning’s statement from Svend Robinson, the 25-year veteran New Democrat MP.

It feels weird to call Svend a “veteran” anything; he still looks every bit the fresh-faced crusading newcomer — even on a day as painful as this one.

I was at the news conference where Svend became the first gay Member of Parliament to come out publicly. It was one of those great electrifying instants in political history, and he’s given us more than a few over the years.

Which makes it especially sad to hear him say he feels he has let Canadians down. I don’t doubt him in the least when he describes this as a medical issue, and I hope his situation will receive the same kind of compassion that would greet anyone stepping aside to fight an illness.

Good luck, Svend, and best wishes.

Svend’s parliamentary e-mail address
Mail: 4453 East Hastings Street, Burnaby BC, B5C 2K1
