Alltop, all the top storiesWell, this is quite nice. The kind folks at Alltop have added Noise to Signal to their list of humor sites — a list that also includes The Onion, Damn You Auto Correct, XKCD and Funny or Die.

(I don’t want to leave the impression that… well, okay, I very much want to but shouldn’t leave the impression that the list goes “The Onion, DYAC, XKCD, Funny or Die, Noise to Signal, and that’s all thankyouverymuch.” I scrolled down 13 screens from the top of the page to the very end, which is where N2S currently but proudly lives.)

No matter how grounded and present and Zen you are, there’s always a nice endorphin rush in getting some external validation. (And not just validation — a badge! My inner Wolf Cub is thrilled.)

It’s an impressive list of folks, and well worth mining for your personal daily supply of ha-ha. You can see the latest posts in the widget there on the right.

Thanks, Alltop!
