I just fixed TiVo for you. You’re welcome.

Maybe not all by my lonesome. But about two weeks ago, I called the TiVo support line, fed up with a months-long problem where every single TiVo show we recorded was being flagged for timed deletion: one week was the longest we could keep anything, and any show we...


I haven’t cared about the show since Sorkin left, but the best response to the cancellation of The West Wing can be found at The Onion: The Democrats are even out of fake power?

Installing the WeaKnees TiVo upgrade

After two months of waiting, wrangling and wondering, our WeaKnees hard drive upgrade for our TiVo arrived at the door this afternoon. However, we had no room for it, and told the Canada Post guy to leave it in a manger… wait a sec. Wrong story. This is the...