A break? Slacker.

Paul Summerville is taking a break: Been blogging every day since mid-August with some podcasting and videocasting. Taking a break until 6th March. Egads. Suddenly, I feel like a piker.

Will Pate’s on the job market

Will has announced his availability with a blog post entitled Web Marketing Prodigy and Sales Rainmaker Seeks Awesome Job. Frankly, any awesome job worth its salt ought to be seeking him: I’m moving on from Raincity Studios, because I’ve done my part in...

Tuesday links

Let Evan Leeson show you what might be the iPod’s ultimate role: as both a nifty media gizmo in its own right and as the world’s most talented remote control. “Depending on where you are, the iPod is either your main device, or your remote. If it is...