Paranoia for Dummies

Sometimes there are stories that require no comment from yours truly: Seems a crew hired by the [Coquitlam Teachers’ Association] politely asked [BC Liberal candidate Iain] Black’s people for permission to install a pipe to hook up the teachers’ new...

Laugh all you want…

What were the odds? Just as I start doing stand-up for the first time, John Rogers at Kung Fu Monkey makes a compelling argument for drawing politicians from the ranks, not of lawyers and CEOs, but stand-up comics: Let’s say the candidate’s job is to walk...

They also serve who sit and watch

For those who worry that gated communities lead to social isolation, Heavy Trash has a unique new way of combatting it: On April 24, 2005, Heavy Trash volunteers deposited bright orange viewing platforms in front of three Los Angeles gated communities; Brentwood...

It’s the stupidity, stupid.

By way of The Hill Times, this temperate contribution to the national debate from Liberal MP Rose-Marie Ur: “When a person embezzles money in a company, the whole company isn’t bad, it’s just that person and that’s why we have the stupid Gomery...

Your depressing Sunday reading

Jonathan Dursi at No More Shall I Roam poses a poignant conundrum: That seemingly serious people passionately believe both that Science will solve our problems and the scientists who tell us about those problems are completely wrong just baffles me…. The...