If you’re on an obsessive quest for silver linings in the wake of November 2nd (and, for that matter, the 12-months-plus campaign that preceded it), then cast your gaze down south to Jeb Bush territory: Florida.

Thanks to the amazing work of ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and the largest American community organization “of low and moderate-income families, with over 175,000 member families organized into 850 neighborhood chapters in¬†73 cities across the country”), the lowest-paid workers in the state are about to see a fatter pay packet:

ACORN and Floridians for All won a raise for working families in Florida on November 2nd, by the overwhelming margin of 72% — 28%. Members all over the state worked hard in order to get Amendment 5 on the ballot, register voters and then get out the vote on election day. By raising the minimum wage to $6.15 (with subsequent increases due to indexing), a full time worker will earn an additional $2,000 in wages, enough to make a significant difference in the lives of low-income workers and moving many out of poverty.
