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And what the hell does this function “Arrrrggghhh-ulk!!()” do?

And what the hell does this function “Arrrrggghhh-ulk!!()” do? published on Purchase print

I will consider it a personal failing if I can’t get a Ouija board with a pipe character, angle brackets and shebang up on Etsy by the end of the year.

By the way, the Ouija board was one of three options I was considering for this caption. I’d sketched up a corpse being reanimated…

sketch of a corpse being reanimated

…and a seance…


…but landed on the Ouija board. That was partly on Alex’s recommendation, and partly so I could draw it while the kids were falling asleep without scaring them into a night’s insomnia if they happened to catch a glimpse.

Oh, well – I can always go back to working on that MyBlogLog app

Oh, well – I can always go back to working on that MyBlogLog app published on No Comments on Oh, well – I can always go back to working on that MyBlogLog app

This cartoon originally appeared in Alex’s blog post on the Harvard Business Review site, and rather than try to say something wise about it myself, I’ll just suggest you head on over and check it out there.