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Misty-coloured memories…

Misty-coloured memories… published on 2 Comments on Misty-coloured memories…

It was a more innocent time, wasn’t it? A time when conversation could flow through pings and trackbacks… when Bloglines was the newsreader to beat… when all the cool kids were talking about and folksonomies.

In retrospect, it was too good to last. Oh, well… I guess it goes to show: you can’t go ∼ again.

Meanwhile, congratulations and a certain amount of awe to SMBC’s Zach Weiner, who posted his 2000th cartoon today. Tsk – kids these days. Way too much work ethic.

Cartoon originally posted on


Can you please explain the joke here?

I am not trying to be stupid and your comics often have jokes that only a very very niche audience will get. (users of a specific software tool or attendees of a certain show, etc).

Normally I can work out the joke, but this time I am seriously lost.

Perhaps I am not the only one?

No problem, Tony! (And there's always the possibility that the cartoon was wide of the mark.)

The idea is that trackbacks, which used to be a pretty important way for a blogger to track conversations about their posts, have dropped off the radar for a lot of people – mainly, I guess, because trackback spam became so prevalent. (And partly because a lot of people now prefer to use services like Backtype to track, not just other blog posts that link to them, but tweets as well.) Hence the feeling of nostalgia if you actually get one.

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